Japanese Civilization Institute 2019 15th Symposium
The Japanese era name is going to change!
The Emperor will abdicate on May 1 and a new era name will be announced on April 1.
What is "gengo" (era) for the Japanese people? How is it decided?
Naoki Inose will analyze gengo's history from the past to the present, together with the process the country will go through on the occasion using various examples.
Japan’s modernization and Emperor system will be thoroughly discussed.
Symposium Speaker
Norihiko Sasaki (NewsPicks COO and former editor in chief)
Satoru Ishido (Journalist)
Date: 5th February (Tuesday), 2019
7 p.m.-9 p.m.(doors scheduled to open at 6:30 p.m.)
Venue: Japan University of Economics, Tokyo Shibuya Campus Hall
(the hall seats apporoximately 100 people)
Past symposiums photos